Don't Be 'That' Guy

Summer is always an exciting time for us.  We know that we are going to be very busy getting as many people as we can squeeze into the mission house for the short –term missions experience. Running from orphanage to orphanage, cutting out crafts for Vacation Bible School, dashing to airports before most people are awake, praying for people through a translator, feeding hungry children, ministering in churches, laughing, crying, and loving become the life for these hot summer days.  Short-term missions are great and really are for everyone.  They challenge you and change you for the better. 

For short-term missions to work and work well, it has to be like a great song.  So, how do we make that happen? I’m glad you asked!  It takes some effort.  There are many factors, but the main thing is the team itself. Let’s take it all the way down to the individual members of the team.  If the team is solid, most other things will fall into place. creating the beginnings of a great song that points the nations to Jesus. 

Now, all great songs must have a great rhythm.  If I was to say “make it perfect” we need a solid rhythm.  To get a solid rhythm we need to identify a few things that make an awesome team member and a few things that make a less than awesome team member.   Let’s narrow it down to three areas each. These areas will create our rhythm that we can continue to build upon.. 

Let’s start with the less than awesome.  These are things that interrupt the rhythm. They make the song hit the wrong tempo and then all of a sudden we’re out of sync and instead of a beautiful song we have an awful noise that sounds something like Scuttle from The Little Mermaid. 


Look, we know it’s hot.  We are here too.  We know the food is different.  We ate as well (without complaining). We know the internet is 1997 level dial-up slow.  I can’t watch the YouTube video either.  Don’t complain about it.  It won’t magically change it.  Complaining makes it harder for everyone to feel the rhythm. 

Asking Too Many Questions

Rhythm is a game of follow the leader.  We don’t always like to follow.  We all have 687 questions.  Just like you, we all want to ask “why”. To maintain our rhythm, we need to follow the leader and trust that our needs will be met and effective ministry will happen. The leader understands the whole score and they set the rhythm and they are in control of the song.  Go with the flow and enjoy the melody. Asking 687 questions gets in the way of that.


I promise you will be fed.  You will be fed food that is good.  If you don’t like it or can’t eat it, there will be something else available.  Ten minutes after breakfast is never a good time to ask what you will be eating for dinner (ask your mom about that). Don’t be that guy. When we worry about another part of the song before we get to it we lose the rhythm.

Okay, so what makes an awesome team member? Here are a few things that make a great team member with great rhythm that makes a great song.

They Are All In

An awesome team member is a joiner.  They join in the rhythm with enthusiasm. They join right in at the beginning.  They join in at the right time. They go with the flow of the rhythm.  They play their part and help others to play theirs.  They understand that it takes the whole orchestra with different instruments to make a beautiful song.

They Embrace the Culture

When you are in a different place, a different culture, with a different language, the rhythm and the melody can be a challenge to maintain.  An awesome team member sees the beauty in every culture and in every encounter.  They hear the unique sound of each instrument and its contribution to the score. They see the beauty and the difference in which each instrument is used.

They Encourage

An awesome team member encourages others to hear the rhythm.  They fall in step with the leader and help others to as well. They play in a way that makes others want to join in.  They make others feel valuable and important so that they will want to fall into the rhythm of the song.

There you have it.  A great start to a song.  It is the song of short-term missions that is a worship song played over the nations to God.  This is the rhythm.  This is the song. 

Come play with us.  

-Chris Conley