Julie always wanted to go but didn't know how.


Julie had a desire to go on a short-term mission for over 35 years but had never been given the opportunity. She didn't know how to get connected with a team. Chris and Sheila invited her to go to Guatemala one summer and since then, she has returned to Latin America year after year.

This summer will mark her 6th year of going to teach VBS at a church on the edge of a poor bordo community. She gathers the left over Awana curriculum from her church in Ohio, purchases all new supplies, and fills shipping tubs full of markers, glitter, crayons, snack supplies, and anything else needed to reinforce the current theme.

The children know her and her team by name. They eagerly await their arrival every summer. She has also learned their names and their hopes and dreams for their future. She is teaching them that God knows their names as well and He has a plan and a purpose for them. They need only to believe and trust in Him. Julie’s testimony is that you are never too busy or too old to go love on children and show them Jesus.

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