10 Years in the Making

Our story began with a dream

Our dream was birthed out of a desire to go on an adventure; to see something old, and ancient, and magnificent. It was a dream to escape the every day. It was a dream to experience something new. Would our adventure begin in Rome or would it be Cairo? It was just beginning to take shape in our minds. About that time, we just so happened to run into missionary friends we hadn't seen in over ten years. We invited them to our home for dinner and happened to share our plans of adventure. It was in that moment that the Lord hijacked our dream and set us on a course that would change our lives forever.

Nine months later, we stepped onto an airplane headed for the Middle East. Our missionary friends promised an adventure greater than we had envisioned. Their adventure was a God adventure. It wasn't just about seeing something amazing, it was about doing something amazing for an amazing God! 

We had no idea what to expect but we stepped out in faith and our lives were forever changed. We encountered a wonderful people group rich in history and tradition. We were able to share the gospel and help rescue the imprisoned. Yes, we did end up seeing something old and ancient, but more importantly than that, we encountered the heart of God in a new way.

We returned home, but our world had changed. It was as if we had put on a new pair of glasses. Our vision had shifted. We felt that everything we had done up to that point had been preparing us for a new purpose. Dreams we had let die long ago were awakened again. We couldn't wait to go back!

This once in a lifetime encounter is what birthed our ministry in short-term missions. We want others to experience missions as we had. Missions changes you! It changes the lives of those you encounter. Ten years later, we are so thankful for our 'chance' meeting with our missionary friends. I can testify that one moment, one conversation can change everything!

- Sheila Conley