Building Memorials

Look around at the nations; look and be amazed! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn’t believe even if someone told you about it.   Habakkuk 1:5

When I read about the Exodus in the Old Testament, I find myself so frustrated with the Israelites and their constant grumbling and complaining.  I’m thinking, “Didn’t you just see what God did for you? Do you not see the pillar of fire? He is literally dropping you food from heaven!”  I have a hard time understanding why, after God proving Himself over and over and with all of the miraculous events that took place, that they would have anything to complain about.  Then I take a moment and think about myself.  Have I walked across a parted sea?  No, but I have seen God do some amazing things in my life.  Miraculous things.  My heart can still be fickle and I can find myself focusing on what I don’t likeor what I want and not thanking God for all that He has done.  God knows exactly how short sighted I can be, just like them.

 Joshua, chapters 3 and 4 tell us of another time the Lord parted water for the Israelites to walk across. This time, He asked Joshua to build a memorial.  Twelve large stones to symbolize the twelve tribes stacked up together as a reminder of the Lord’s provision.  Why?  So that when their children ask what those stones are for, the story can be shared with the next generation so that the testimony continues and is not forgotten.  Psalm 78 tells us to teach our children the lessons of our past.  ‘We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about his power and His mighty wonders’  This was not an option but a command so that the next generation might know Him, set their hope on Him and obey Him. 

 What does this have to do with missions?  The mission at hand is advancing the Kingdom.  Spreading the Gospel to the ends of the earth.  The Gospel message is a culmination of all of those memorials; the truth from the Bible and the testimonies we have experienced in our own lives.  We must take those stones and remember who God is and take that   testimony to the world, one story at a time.  Those testimonies breathe hope and faith.  How did you feel the last time you heard someone share an amazing God story?  I can never hear enough!   I want to hear how God is on the move and what He is doing in the world.  So my reason for sharing is this; remember to build your memorials.  When you begin to doubt.  When He is asking you to do something crazy like hit a rock to get water, travel to a strange land, or pray for the checkout clerk, be bold and remember all of the answers to prayer and all the times He has provided for you.  Don’t   allow what you see in the natural to stop you.  Check your inner dialog. What is God telling you to do that you are saying I can’t do that?  Don’t be hesitant to join God in His work and to follow Him in faith.

 I will leave you with our most recent testimony. We met with a couple who is in the midst of a financial crisis.  In the natural, we could come up with many reasons why we shouldn’t ask them to become a financial partner of our ministry but we knew God wanted us to ask them. This couple decided to step out in faith and support us on a monthly basis.  Less then 24 hours later, the husband who had been unable to find steady employment, was offered a full time position. The next week,  just after sending in their first donation, they received an unexpected check!  They stepped out in faith and obedience and the Lord was faithful to provide for them.  They are so excited and blown away by God’s goodness. 

 What is your testimony?  I was recently challenged to build my memorials.  Take a moment and build yours and you will see how good and faithful God has been in your life.  I believe your memorials will give you the courage to boldly say yes to the Lord in your life.  It has silenced my grumbling.  How about yours?   

- Sheila Conley